About Us


“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, lacking clothes and you clothed me…”

— Matthew 25:35-36

Bread of Life Outreach Center is a Christian ecumenical ministry of love and compassion, which recognizes the dignity inherent in all people. Drawing on the support, love, and generosity of the community, we seek to follow the Gospel by feeding the hungry and clothing the naked.

We are an all volunteer organization, and a qualified charitable organization under rule 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

Our History

In 2008, the Diocese of Buffalo asked Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish to merge with St. George in West Falls at that site. This left a vacant church and hall at the Colden site.

In February of 2009, a proposal was made to the parish council of St. George to create an outreach in the empty church. With an affirmative vote by the council, a group of tireless volunteers worked endless hours to raise funds and create interest in the outreach project. By October 27, 2009, the facility was ready, and our first member arrived five minutes before the doors opened!

From then on, we've known only continued growth, constant improvements, an expanding volunteer base, and an ever-growing pool of stakeholders who greatly bless the ministry with assistance of every kind.

Each year more local churches and civic organizations have committed to this valuable community outreach center. We hope for opportunities for future grown in services we can render to the local community.

Please Click Here for our “Who We Are” Sheet, Click Here for our Brochure

And Click Here for our Client Palm Card, which provides some details around our services.